Hello, New guy here. Came across this web site tonight looking for some info. on building a brick fireplace for a wood burning stove. I will be building a 1200 square ft. home next spring. I plan on putting in a wood stove in the living room. I purchased 3000 brick( New Brick/ great price) this week and would like to use it for a wood burner chimney. I had planned on the chimney running on the outside of the house. Not sure if this would be the most eficient either. Versus running the flu straight up out the roof. I really like the outside chimney look. Can anyone steer me in the right direction for a properly built brick chimney. The house will probably be constructed with 2x6 walls and be pretty air tight. I am sure I will have to have somekind of fresh air make up. I do hvac for a living but have never messed with wood burners much. Would like to learn as much as I can before the project begins. Havent looked at many stoves yet but looking for something pretty efficient. I did look at a Scan/Andersen 10. I was pretty impressed with it. Any and ALL Coments, Thoughts, Good and or Bad Welcome, Thanks, SAWNLOGS