Hi there. This isn't exactly a hearth question, but very very close. You see, I built a mailbox made from hearth & chimney components.
I recently built a brick mailbox using bricks, flue tile (flue liners), and a fireplace clean-out door. This was my first ever attempt at brick-laying and overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, with one major exception... I'm a lousy brick-mason and I've got mortar stains all over the thing as seen in the "drips" in the picture below, especially noticeable under the pier cap:
Any thoughts on how to clean this up? I don't want to use a wire brush or a wire cup wheel because I'm afraid I'll damage the surface finish on the bricks. Does anyone know if muriatic or phosphoric acid would release the very thin layers of mortar that look like "drips" all over the mailbox? Any other suggestions? For what it's worth, those "drips", "stains" or whatever I shall call them are now several weeks old.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ps. If anyone is interested in seeing more pictures of the mailbox, how I built it, or the hearth I remodeled, the photo album is (broken link removed).
I recently built a brick mailbox using bricks, flue tile (flue liners), and a fireplace clean-out door. This was my first ever attempt at brick-laying and overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, with one major exception... I'm a lousy brick-mason and I've got mortar stains all over the thing as seen in the "drips" in the picture below, especially noticeable under the pier cap:
Any thoughts on how to clean this up? I don't want to use a wire brush or a wire cup wheel because I'm afraid I'll damage the surface finish on the bricks. Does anyone know if muriatic or phosphoric acid would release the very thin layers of mortar that look like "drips" all over the mailbox? Any other suggestions? For what it's worth, those "drips", "stains" or whatever I shall call them are now several weeks old.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ps. If anyone is interested in seeing more pictures of the mailbox, how I built it, or the hearth I remodeled, the photo album is (broken link removed).