Wondering if anyone has experience with Bryan Furnace?
We just purchased a 7 year old home with what I expect is a very inefficient zero clearance fireplace. I was thinking of putting an insert in the fp when I came across a fireplace shop near me that's going out of business. He has a Quadrafire 4100 for $2,000 that I was very interested in...then I saw he has and outdoor Bryan Furnace (outdoor forced air setup) for $3,000. I want to more than supplement my heat...we put a VC Encore in our last house and cut our heating bill by about 80% and I'd like to try to stick in that range. I'm now kind of leaning towards the outdoor setup as I'd like to heat the finished basement with wood too and the fireplace is on the main level...BUT I've never heard of Bryan Furnace...learned a bit on their website but I'd love to hear some firsthand opinions...or even just opinions of some stove guys that are more knowledgable than I. I really like the idea of heating from outside the home...no mess, smoke or fire risk...plus we'd still have the ZC FP for ambiance. The Bryan is rated up to 3,000 SF and we're at about 2,900 so we should be good there.
We just purchased a 7 year old home with what I expect is a very inefficient zero clearance fireplace. I was thinking of putting an insert in the fp when I came across a fireplace shop near me that's going out of business. He has a Quadrafire 4100 for $2,000 that I was very interested in...then I saw he has and outdoor Bryan Furnace (outdoor forced air setup) for $3,000. I want to more than supplement my heat...we put a VC Encore in our last house and cut our heating bill by about 80% and I'd like to try to stick in that range. I'm now kind of leaning towards the outdoor setup as I'd like to heat the finished basement with wood too and the fireplace is on the main level...BUT I've never heard of Bryan Furnace...learned a bit on their website but I'd love to hear some firsthand opinions...or even just opinions of some stove guys that are more knowledgable than I. I really like the idea of heating from outside the home...no mess, smoke or fire risk...plus we'd still have the ZC FP for ambiance. The Bryan is rated up to 3,000 SF and we're at about 2,900 so we should be good there.