Hi there. I have had my pellet stove for a few years now with no issue. I bought it off Craigslist, so I never received a manual. The only brand name listed on the stove is Country Stoves. This year I have noticed that the burn pot is accumulating a lot of ash, and it is turning into a rock-like formation. I used to be able to go a few days before cleaning out the inside, but this year, if I run it on setting 3 or higher (5 settings) I have to clean out this rocklike ash clump everyday. It affects the look of the flame, and instead of a small clean and quick flame, the ash causes the flame to get large and loosely burning, which concerns me for fire safety reasons. I've never had this issue so I'm not sure where to start. We always use hard wood pellets. The photos I've attached are from this morning after using the stove on 4 overnight. Again, using the stove on this setting for this length of time was never an issue in the past.