A very good friend has offered to install a wood pellet stove for cost in my home. (one of their demo models on the floor) This stove only burns wood pellets, and it is the best stove in this company's line. If you guys were to buy your first stove with your knowledge, would you buy a stove that burns wood pellets, corn pellets, and bio mass? I am not sure of the proper terminology, but he said wood pellets are difficult to get right now in northern lower michigan. I do not know enough about stoves, but it would seem that one that would burn 3 different types of fuel would be the best choice. I dont know much about prices, I am really just asking a general opinion on buying my first stove. Is there inherent problems with a stove that will burn 3 different types of fuel? I also noticed that Harman has a stove that has a battery backup, does anyone know anything about that? Thanks in advance for any help,,,,ed