Last year was my first year with a new Enviro stove, and after a little learning, it put out great heat all winter - enough to cook you out in the basement family room and help out a ton upstairs.
This year it's okay, but just doesn't seem to be the same. It's much harder to find the right balance between to much air (all heat going out the chimney) and not enough air (slow smolder).
Last year, I could cook anyone in the family room. This year it's still putting off heat, but I notice cold drafts in the same room.
My wood is two years old in the Idaho desert. It got a skiff of snow on it, but it should be very seasoned and relatively dry.
Can something change with my stove to cause it to not give out as much heat?
This year it's okay, but just doesn't seem to be the same. It's much harder to find the right balance between to much air (all heat going out the chimney) and not enough air (slow smolder).
Last year, I could cook anyone in the family room. This year it's still putting off heat, but I notice cold drafts in the same room.
My wood is two years old in the Idaho desert. It got a skiff of snow on it, but it should be very seasoned and relatively dry.
Can something change with my stove to cause it to not give out as much heat?