Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove?

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New Member
Apr 25, 2016
Albany, NY
My parents are selling their house and this Fisher stove is one of the items they're looking to include in the upcoming yard sale. Anyone know the exact model? I did a little scrolling around on this site and found the insides of the doors help identify. I'm no longer presently at the house where the stove is or else I'd check for it myself, but I did take some high-res photos (so you can see the rust reeeeaaaaal good) so maybe someone can determine what model it may be off these photos alone...

If not, then I can get ahold of my dad in the AM and have him scrape away the insides to find the markings.

[] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove?
My parents are selling their house and this Fisher stove is one of the items they're looking to include in the upcoming yard sale. Anyone know the exact model? I did a little scrolling around on this site and found the insides of the doors help identify. I'm no longer presently at the house where the stove is or else I'd check for it myself, but I did take some high-res photos (so you can see the rust reeeeaaaaal good) so maybe someone can determine what model it may be off these photos alone...

If not, then I can get ahold of my dad in the AM and have him scrape away the insides to find the markings.

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Ill take a stab at it... 6 bricks across the back and the pine trees being further apart on the door seams, would be a grandpa...

Ill offer you $75.00 based on the pictures
Grandpa I.
It would be a II if it had bolt on shields. The I won't be on the stove anywhere, it was simply Grandpa n the drawings until 1977 when optional shields were added along with a roman numeral designation on drawings. It may or may not have GP L or GP R on the inside of left and right doors.
You may find a serial number stamped on the rear top right corner if made in NY.
Grandpa and Grandma comparison pictures below;

[] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? Grandpa [] Can Someone Name This Fisher Stove? Grandma
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