jeffman3 said:
Thanks guys, I will try to contact Hearthstone directly. The dealer is over a hundred miles away, so stopping by just isn't a option. When I was able to talk to him last, he said it sounded like the latch just needed to be adjusted, but the manual doesn't say how to do that. Maybe Hearthstone will be able to help. I will let you know how this turns out.
You're right, you shouldn't be having a problem so soon. But have you replaced the door gasket? Having just gone through replacing a broken door latch, I'm at a loss to know what the guy could possibly mean by "adjusting the latch." There is no adjusting of the latch on a Tribute.
The latch on my Tribute broke after replacing the gasket and having a hell of a time getting the door to close on it. After a couple days, the tip of the latch simply broke off from the pressure.
The dealer sent me a new handle/latch assembly, which was easy enough to put on, but the door was still way too tight and I was very much afraid the same thing was going to happen again. The only thing that solved the problem is that the new handle/latch package included I think 4 washers, although only one is supposed to be needed. This puzzled me until I discovered that two of the four washers were just a tiny weeny bit too tight to fit, although they looked identical. In any case, I added the one extra washer from the package that fit plus the one from the old handle, and using three instead of one give me the extra fraction of an inch to close the latch tightly but properly.
So after doing quite a lot of fiddling and asking questions trying to solve my too-tight latch problem, I can tell you with certainty that there's no way to tighten the latch and only scrounging of extra washers of the right size to loosen it a bit.
It does sound like your dealer has either gone out of business or is about to. Do try Hearthstone, though. If the door is truly warped and they believe you that it's not from overfiring, they should send you both a new door and doorframe. I hope they don't insist you send them yours first so they can assess it.