woodburn said:
Mayhem, I love the location of that stove. That ceiling fan is in the perfect spot too. It must heat the entire upstairs beautifully. Does the heat move throught that hallway and also into the kitchen well?
Still tinkering with the airflow to get the rest of the house warm. The hallway leads to a full bath halfway down the hall and two bedrooms at the end of the hall, the stright shot bedroom is where the zone thermostat is for those three rooms. I have alot of trouble getting heat down that hallway, even with the ceiling fan blowing downwards I still wind up runing the heat in the back bedrooms all winter long...I figure I've got a good 150-200 gallons of oil to recover in that area if I cna get the heat transferred more evenly. The upstaris gets really warm...like I've used a surface temp ir sensor to go up the back wall of the great room and measured 72 at the base of the wall and somewhere just over 100F at the peak of the ceiling. The hot air really doesn't do a good job of getting into the upstairs bedroom, but its shorts and tanktop heat up in the loft. I'm experimenting wiht blowing cold air out of the rooms, based ont eh advice of other members here, but until we get into running the stove wide open for an extended period of time I don't think I'm going to see the effectiveness. I'm also toying with outting in a pass thru grate at the very peak of the wall into the master bedroom so that when I blow cooler air out of the doorway, that really hot air can come rushing in and it ought to make a significant difference there as well.
I cut my oil consumption in half last year, roughly 500 gallons saved over the winter by not having to heat the great room at all with oil...thats fully 60% of the interior volume of my house. I'm confident I've got another 200 gallons to gain this year.