God bless Craigslist. Just got home with over 2 pickup bed loads of dead cherry (including limbs and twigs, but a ton of good wood) an older couple wanted cut down and rid of. Lots of knuckled sections, but who the heck cares, right? A good half of the tree was dry as a bone, but it had a beautiful unchecked live trunk section with some beautiful curl that is getting saved for a couple gunstock blanks, the rest is going to fill my stove with some of nature's best perfume. Thanks to all who replied to my post needing scrounging advice, it has been super helpful, I have almost 3 cords of wood (some tulip poplar, yes, but lots of black locust and now cherry). I totally didn't even think of the best scrounge resource in southern Idaho.......orchards everywhere. Ill post some pics soon, my arms are like jelly right now.