I've been browsing some of the related topics on this subject and I have a few questions. A little background on my setup. I have a Napoleon 1400 stove with selkirk stainless piping. The pipe basically runs straight ( 1 45 bend I believe) from my living room, through the second floor and out the roof. The pipe is very high on my slanted roof, maybe 8 feet or so ( I believe this was done because of the 2' vertical and 10' horizontal specs contained in the manual). Obviously, because of the height I can't just pop the top off and look down the chimney or put a brush down it to clean and have no type of ladder that I would consider safe enough for me to stand on. Can my setup be cleaned from the bottom up somehow? Otherwise, I guess I will have to have a professional sweep out every time it needs inspected or cleaned. If I have to go the professional route, what is a reasonable price for a professional inspection and sweep if I plan on a long term relationship with the sweep?