Ok… so we had a chimney guy come give us an estimate for installing a chimney pipe for a new to us wood stove. He was adamant it has to be 10 feet away from the electric line coming from the pole to our house. He was worried about if something happens it could arc current to the chimney pipe and travel down through the stove to possibly shock someone handling it. His reasoning sort of makes sense to me but I can’t find that sort of logic anywhere when I google clearance requirements… have others heard of this and is it correct?? It would mean we’d have to put the stove somewhere much harder to install. I should also add we already have a pellet vent pipe in that location, though not as high as a chimney would go. It is certainly within 10 feet though, which leaves me wondering if the professionals that installed that were wrong or if the new guy is, or if vent pipe is somehow different which wouldn’t make sense. Thank you!