gyrfalcon said:
...So what does that mean, double or triple wall? Is that just double/triple thickness of the material, or is there a second tube in there with a bit of air space in between the two walls, or some other kind of material inside or what?
Not just twice or three times the thickness, no. Double wall pipe is two pipes of different diameters, one inside the other. Triple is, well,
three concentric pipes. What's between the pipes depends on what kind of pipe it is, and what it's designed to do. Could be just an air space, could be a ventilated air space, could be filled with insulation. Your Class A chimney is insulated double wall pipe, with the inside being stainless steel. The outside may be stainless or galvanized.
gyrfalcon said:
...And, er <blush>, um, will any old drill bit of the right diameter do the job, or do I need a special metal something-or-other?
Any plain old (nice sharp) metal drill bit should do it. (Just don't try it with a bit made for wood). By all means use a centerpunch to make a small indent to give the drill bit a place to start getting a "bite" without wandering all over the stovepipe. Use a variable speed drill and start out nice and slow. The thermometer should come with simple installation instructions. Seems to me the Condar probe thermo in the link above said it was 1/4" diameter that you would drill through the pipe, then it has a magnetic collar that holds the instrument in place. So simple, even a raptor can do it! ;-P Rick