Throwing a link in here knowing
@begreen would probably notice it without me tagging him.
This is Owen Hanley MD the older. He is retired. His son, Owen Hanley MD the younger is about the same age as my kids, and currently practicing in Fairbanks.
When I got to Fairbanks in May 2008 I had years of experience in bronchoscopy at Duke U pulmonology lung transplant program standing shoulder to shoulder with board certified MD pulmonologists with professorships to go with, evaluating transplant candidates with the err, black serpent of truth. Duke UMC is a fairly prolific lung transplant program.
When I got to Fairbanks in May 2008 I had years of experience in bronchoscopy at UCLA pulmonology lung transplant program standing shoulder to shoulder with board certified MD pulmonologists with professorships to go with, evaluating transplant candidates with the err, black serpent of truth. UCLA is a fairly prolific lung transplant program.
Within two weeks of my arrival I was shoulder to shoulder with Owen the elder for every lung he scoped until retirement. I never got to leave early for the weekend because he always scoped at 1500 on Friday. It was nice to be recognized, but we simply don't have the case volume up here to develop a replacement with the muscle memory I brought to the table when I stepped off the aeroplane.
Owen the elder could have been the director of the lung transplant program at either of Duke or UCLA, 20 years before retirement, if he chose that path. Instead he stayed in Fairbanks and raised Owen the younger. If you take your dream vaca to Alaska, get sick and show up in the Fairbanks ER and meet some doctor named Owen, you are in good hands. There are many other kids in this age cohort who really know their stuff, but I started calling Owen the younger 'doctor' while he was still an MS3.
Owen the elder starts making some claims without footnotes starting around the thirteen minute mark. I personally don't need to look them up, as both of the Owens have my complete trust. FWIW Owen the elder was UCLA MD class of 1964.