Hello everyone. I’m in need of expertise that I do not have, so I’ve come here. My inquiry is this, is it worth the risk to buy a 5 year old BioMass 40 gassifier unseen, except for some basic photos from craigslist. It is said to have been removed from a home in perfect working condition. But is too far away for me to drive and see it, and then decide not to purchase.
A new BioMass 40 runs about $7000
He is asking $3000
Where else might be a good place to look for a used BioMass 40 gassifier?
I’m proficient in marine engineering, welding, 3phase or home, diesel mechanics, hydraulics, and the like, but I’ve never been involved with wood gassifiers outside of theory to much degree.
Thanks everyone.
A new BioMass 40 runs about $7000
He is asking $3000
Where else might be a good place to look for a used BioMass 40 gassifier?
I’m proficient in marine engineering, welding, 3phase or home, diesel mechanics, hydraulics, and the like, but I’ve never been involved with wood gassifiers outside of theory to much degree.
Thanks everyone.