I am in the middle of a 1200 sq foot house project, partially earth sheltered, all concrete block and brick with ten foot ceilings and roof trusses. It will be super insulated using recycled polyiso roof material. Walls will be R 35 and ceiling R 60. The house is in southern Tennessee near Alabama border. I have a center of house four by six foot closet that was designed to have a propane fireplace but am now considering a small pellet stove in front of a fake fireplace. The main heat system will be a 1 1/2 ton heat pump. I will try to post a photo. I don't know much about pellet stoves at this point. My two questions are about what would be a good stove for this small house and if it needs a 3 inch flue pipe are these pipes double walled/insulated like a regular wood stove. What would the OD dimension be for a 3 inch ID pipe? Also please explain the outside air options for pellet stoves. I can't upload a photo.