Got this off the stoves list...I found it sort of an interesting perspective. This has been posted with
Dick Gallien's permission.
A neighbor, who milks 80 cows, recently delivered 5,000 bu. of corn to the
elevator at $1.40 a bu.. Drying brought his price down to $.90 a bu.. If
it wasn't for the $l25 an acre government subsidy, from our flushed fed.
govt., for raising corn--many would be looking for other employment.

When our busted government gets out of the farm subsidy business and when
the cost of raising corn and shipping it, mostly from the Midwest, all
come together, it would seem that corn stoves would be less attractive.
Having heated only with wood, for 49 years and now in a 75 F. plus degree
home, watching the dancing, bluish flames of a large Quadra-Fire stove,
which only has to be fed morning and evening and the connection I get
with the earth cycles, when I place a piece, of every variety of wood,
which town people dump at my farm compost site--just to get rid of it --
is such an intune connection, where as burning corn is like a major

At this time of year there are long lines of semi's with corn and beans,
loading onto barges, for China or God knows where. It use to be said
that 2 bu. of top soil goes down the Mississippi River, for every bushel
of corn raised. The govt. has paid farmers to chisel plow vs. mold board
plowing, which should help some. Dropping the corn subsidy, would help
the land more.

Dick Gallien
The Winona Farm
22501 East Burns Valley Rd
Winona MN 55987
Dick Gallien's permission.