Greetings! I would appreciate any and all contributions to the following question.
I was speaking to a chimney sweeper recently. She told me how some of the Portugese gardeners use creosote from cleaned out chimneys for fertilizer. Many swear by it to grow grapes, fruit trees, and vegetables.
To qualify this statement-the creosote is NOT from coal burning stoves (to much heavy metal contamination) but is JUST from wood burning stoves.
Now I know many people use controlled amounts of wood ashes as fertilizer for their gardens (rich in potassium). Therefore, I am asking everyone, can you use creosote for fertilizer in your gardens?
Thank you for your replies.
Best wishes and Happy New year.
I was speaking to a chimney sweeper recently. She told me how some of the Portugese gardeners use creosote from cleaned out chimneys for fertilizer. Many swear by it to grow grapes, fruit trees, and vegetables.
To qualify this statement-the creosote is NOT from coal burning stoves (to much heavy metal contamination) but is JUST from wood burning stoves.
Now I know many people use controlled amounts of wood ashes as fertilizer for their gardens (rich in potassium). Therefore, I am asking everyone, can you use creosote for fertilizer in your gardens?
Thank you for your replies.
Best wishes and Happy New year.