You have 3" venting. What is the vertical height of your exhaust run?
Not just the venting needs to be cleaned but the internal exhaust pathways. Turn off, shut off and disconnect cord. You will need appropriate screwdriver head for the screws and a metric #8 wrench. Remove hopper lid and ceramics. I think inspection ports are on the side - rectangle with orange silicone gaskets. If you use a ash vac, make sure filter is clean. I use a shop vac with drywall bag. I have a dryer vent brush to pull fly ash off internal pathway. I tape a tube to my shop vac adapter so I can vacuum up, down, front and around back. Replace ceramics and hopper lid - don't forget to reconnect the hopper lid switch
Make sure you are also cleaning the shelf around the heat exchange tubes in the fire box. My ash vac does not get everything off so I use a 1" putty knife to draw ash off the shelf into the fire box. Shop vac does a better job - but I'm paranoid about fire risk. That risk is minimized when doing the internal clean because of the time required to remove ceramics and do internal pathways...