Not many factories will be able to continue operating today in the northeast. The electric rates will be over $800/MWh this evening - and that doesn't include transmission, delivery, or demand charges. When making pellets, that translates to over $155 per ton just for the price of power. This is the worst I've ever seen it.
Below are the day ahead prices for Maine.
Date Hour Price
01/23/2014 01 230.06
01/23/2014 02 215.39
01/23/2014 03 208.39
01/23/2014 04 209.91
01/23/2014 05 221.74
01/23/2014 06 254.91
01/23/2014 07 365.41
01/23/2014 08 493.57
01/23/2014 09 493.04
01/23/2014 10 412.94
01/23/2014 11 435.47
01/23/2014 12 356.29
01/23/2014 13 335.99
01/23/2014 14 311.23
01/23/2014 15 300.22
01/23/2014 16 320.97
01/23/2014 17 477.62
01/23/2014 18 817.7
01/23/2014 19 812.02
01/23/2014 20 742.85
01/23/2014 21 525.0
01/23/2014 22 346.96
01/23/2014 23 280.29
01/23/2014 24 228.27
Data source: ISO New England
I'm not posting this to cast blame, that will just get this thread locked.
I can see a shortage of pellets coming if everyone has to shut down. Many plants were shutting down when the power was hitting $300/MWh. Nobody can afford to operate at $800/MWh. That's the same as a $100/month home electric bill jumping to $2000/month. The 24 hour average is a little better, bringing the homeowner's $100/month bill to $1000/month but it's still not good. Hopefully, household users won't see this drastic increase since the rates we pay at home don't change by the hour. But, I also can't see the transmission companies, like CMP here, taking a loss.
Below are the day ahead prices for Maine.
Date Hour Price
01/23/2014 01 230.06
01/23/2014 02 215.39
01/23/2014 03 208.39
01/23/2014 04 209.91
01/23/2014 05 221.74
01/23/2014 06 254.91
01/23/2014 07 365.41
01/23/2014 08 493.57
01/23/2014 09 493.04
01/23/2014 10 412.94
01/23/2014 11 435.47
01/23/2014 12 356.29
01/23/2014 13 335.99
01/23/2014 14 311.23
01/23/2014 15 300.22
01/23/2014 16 320.97
01/23/2014 17 477.62
01/23/2014 18 817.7
01/23/2014 19 812.02
01/23/2014 20 742.85
01/23/2014 21 525.0
01/23/2014 22 346.96
01/23/2014 23 280.29
01/23/2014 24 228.27
Data source: ISO New England
I'm not posting this to cast blame, that will just get this thread locked.
I can see a shortage of pellets coming if everyone has to shut down. Many plants were shutting down when the power was hitting $300/MWh. Nobody can afford to operate at $800/MWh. That's the same as a $100/month home electric bill jumping to $2000/month. The 24 hour average is a little better, bringing the homeowner's $100/month bill to $1000/month but it's still not good. Hopefully, household users won't see this drastic increase since the rates we pay at home don't change by the hour. But, I also can't see the transmission companies, like CMP here, taking a loss.
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