I just ordered my second 25 EPI control board last night. The first board lasted about 7 years. The symptoms were auger not feeding enough pellets to keep the flame at anything over a flicker (Like it was stuck on setting 1). I went through the usual diagnostics, checked convection blower, stove and chimney clean, Auger motor ok, Room blower (Not asociated, OK) Replaced all gaskets, vacuum switch ok, hopper switch ok. For shites and giggles, I replaced convection blower and auger. Finally ponied up the 300.00 and replaced the board which fixed it immediately. It ran perfect for 2 years and then last night, started with the same issue. I always keep the stove cleaned and maintained. Have it on a high quality surge protector. Quite frankly I'm baffled. Are these boards just junk? I can't justify spending 300.00 on a control board every 2 years so any input would be appreciated. Also, I think I remember seeing a guy who built his own control system some where on here?