On this site and elsewhere (as well as from the previous owner of my stove) I've heard rosy burn time figures for the Englander 30-NC - rosy as in seven hours or more, with enough heat left at the end of that time to restart sans kindling. I've been using this stove a few days and nights, and so far this hasn't been my experience. At 10PM, with a great fire cooking, I stuff the firebox as full as it will go of hard, seasoned oak, close the air intake all the way to minimum, and shut the in-flue damper. Five hours later, all that's left is a few glowing coals and fragments, and I can restart larger pieces only by adding some kindling. At seven hours, the stove is still fairly hot, but the coals are down low enough that it's the next thing to starting from stone cold and can take my inexperienced hands an hour. Any tips? Am I doing something wrong here?