I hope everyone is enjoying there summer. last week the light bulb went off, and I realized I had not cleaned my stove yet. So yesterday I tore it down, and i did a really deep cleaning. One thing that puzzles me, and If it makes no sense, I will try to re explain, and take pictures. The fan housing on the exhaust blower was really caked with fly ash. I removed the exhaust blower from the stove, loosened the bolt, and the fan blade came right off. I gave it a good cleaning, and placed it back on and tightened it down. Afterwards it would not spin, the smaller outer fan blade was hitting the screws. It looked like when i pushed down tightening the bolt, the shaft moved. I gently pulled the fan forward, and all is well. Why does that shaft have play in it like that? I never forced anything, and the fan blade came off so easy I was amazed.