I could see where it could cause problems, depending where Td' in and maybe other system config specifics. Example: if you had two tanks T'd in, one on the inlet side of a circ & one on the outlet, then the circ dP would I think get split - inlet pressure would drop & outlet would rise. Which might cause issues on the inlet side if it makes that too low. That's as opposed to having only one, T'd in on the inlet side - all the dP would go to outlet pressure which is what you want. But with a big bunch of storage & volume, and multiple circs to go with the multiple expansion tanks, and each tank on the inlet side of a circ, I think issues would be hard to come by. Two of mine are T'd in at the same place close to inlet of load circ. The other one at the top of the boiler is right into the top of the boiler, on its own. The loading unit is down low on opposite side via separate tappings, so don't think it has much effect on in/out dP at the circ - it is kind of mid-circuit at which point the flow frictions it between kind of make it not have much effect.
I don't think I have any problems, if they are they are small enough that I can't tell anything is wrong. Bladderless tanks can get water logged. Mainly if there is a way for air to work its way out of the system. So you shouldn't really have air vents, on a system that has one. I do have vents on mine - it is a hybrid thing that evolved from swapping old/new things in/out, some old stuff I just left as was. But the original system did have a vent, and bladderless tank, and I don't recall ever having a waterlogging episode. The risk of waterlogging likely goes down, the farther removed & higher up the tank is from the rest of the system. I left that joist tank in place, 'just because'. It was there already & had seemed to work Ok for the 17 years prior. It might have a fair amount of water in it now, after going on 6 years, I'm not sure - my pressures haven't sent me investigating it. I also did not always have the big bladder tank. When I first did the storage thing, I just used a 110 gallon LP tank for storage, on the floor beside my storage. It worked 'OK', but I did have airlocking issues, infrequent but enough to make the change. Air would work its way out of the expansion tank, and up into one of the upstairs zones. I would have to bleed the air out of the zone maybe a couple times over the winter. If I had had a place to move that 110 gallon tank, up high and away from the rest of the system, I think it would have done pretty good. But the only place it could have possibly gone up high was the second floor master bedroom - and that wasn't happening.
Then there are also the airtrol setups, that catch the air that gets into the piping, and sends it back to the top of the expansion tank. In theory at least.
I think practically speaking - as long as your static pressure is good, and you don't T expansion into the outlet side of a circ, there shouldn't be much to worry about.
(Could be more ignorance there too - I'm certainly no pro at this).