If I was expecting another ice storm to knock out my power... I would like to take another route on heating my house. I would like to this time... not load up the Tarm with wood.. but instead let it cool down and use the oil boilier which is hooked up in series. Last time.. I knew we might lose power and I filled up the Tarm to experiment to see what would happen. When teh electric went out teh Tarm in the basement was running and the smoke produced was not able to exhaust out quickly enough... and it filled up my basement and house with smoke. Therefore.. this time.. I would like to just use the oil boiler if I know ice is coming. My question.... Do i just let the Tarm go cold? and let the oil burner kick on? Also.. a side question.. maybe for a different forum... when i started my woodstove in the basement( just moved it down there) to use for back up heat.. it also smoked me out! Chimney is cold and on outside. Cold draft blowing down and out the woodstove when i go to start it up. Ho wcan i heat the chimney to get my draft going up before i start the fire? Are there products out there to do this? Does a barometric draft control solve this?