Hi all. I use a nut coal stove to heat my house and have almost all my life. The stove is situated in the middle of my living room. As far as I know I've never had any problems other than dust or when I add wet coal, which smells like rotten eggs.
About six years ago I had gas base board heat installed because my wife at the time was pregnant and didn't want our son exposed to the fumes/dust. After a year I went back to the coal stove. Since then I've gone through a divorce and am now engaged with a child on the way. My fiance has the same concerns as the ex. We had the furnace checked out and due to it feazing it's now destroyed and will have to be replaced. So it looks like we're going to stick with the stove for at least this year.
My question is, what are the long term risks of using a coal stove around a child? The draft is good and as far as I know there are no leaks or problems with the stove.
About six years ago I had gas base board heat installed because my wife at the time was pregnant and didn't want our son exposed to the fumes/dust. After a year I went back to the coal stove. Since then I've gone through a divorce and am now engaged with a child on the way. My fiance has the same concerns as the ex. We had the furnace checked out and due to it feazing it's now destroyed and will have to be replaced. So it looks like we're going to stick with the stove for at least this year.
My question is, what are the long term risks of using a coal stove around a child? The draft is good and as far as I know there are no leaks or problems with the stove.