fireplace insert id?

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mike in ct

Hearth Supporter
Sep 18, 2008
nw ct
anyone know what this is? i'm somewhat interested in buying it, but it needs a blower. he says it has 2 and 1 is bad. the only thing is he says no tags or model number on it. he has no clue what it is.looks similat to vermont winter warm, but i dont think it is. any feedback appreciated - mike
(broken image removed)
Old VC large insert, model 0044 or 0046, predecessor to the WinterWarm Large?
Old VC large insert, model 0044 or 0046, predecessor to the WinterWarm Large?
thank you begreen, i'll look around and see what i can find. you would'nt happen to know if parts are still available for it would you?

actually i looked it up, and i believe you are correct. i found this - after paging down, i see the part numbers for left and right blower - no longer available. any ideas where one of these blowers can be had? also does anyone have any experiance with these stoves? is so...your opinion?
[] fireplace insert id?
Some parts are still available from Woodman's. Looks like it was made from 7-26-83 to 1-30-88.

(broken link removed)

Model # Description
0044 - has no brass trim
0046 - has brass trim
1271 - Coal Insert with no brass trim
1272 - Coal insert with brass trim
thanks, i've opted to buy a used hearthstone heritage for sale on craigslist. i'm heading out shortly to get it. i appreciate the feedback. - mike
I had one of those while I was buying my three stoves on CL. I even copied the whole manual and posted it online somewhere here I think. I recall a guy that swore by the 044/046 fireplace insert. The one I had was a little bit of a hassle for me and I liked the Vermont Stove Company thing I am using right now more.

The special duct that came with mine was kind of a hassle in my tilted smoke shelf.
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