I figured I'd upload a couple pics of what happened two weeks ago. A little background. I bought my first house in 2011. It was a fixer upper with old growth trees all over the property. Because of its elevation if I cleared the land off to the side of it I would have a nice view overlooking the upper valley here. So I had two acres clear cut and keep some of the wood off of them. I wanted to keep it all but I had no cash to work with the foresters so i ended up trading some of it. Anyways, I had it cut so that no trees would fall on the house and ruin the roof, as this was the state it was in when I purchased it. Well two weeks ago I woke up to a tree on my truck! Totaled my truck! Its all cut and split now and in the drying pile but the trucks going to put a dent in my budget as it was paid off and my insurance company thinks its worth nothing... It doesn't look bad it these pics but the tree was the top of a 40 foot oak and it first landed on the roof crushing it in. Than bounced from the front of the cab towards the bed, crushing the bed in as well... The tree got its revenge! It'll be a sweet day two winters from now when i start burning it for heat!