First Axe Refurb

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New Member
Nov 25, 2014
Just finished my first Axe refurb and put it to work delimbing this weekend. Great results and highly rewarding!

Details include Vintage American head, House handle, tung oil with citrus coatings, custom designed and fabricated overstrike guard, and plenty of manual labor. Lots of fun and performs great.

[] First Axe Refurb

[] First Axe Refurb

Nothing beats those old axes. I have four that I have redone, it's a labor of love. Looks great.
Thanks! I seem to have caught the Axe restoration 'itch' and have a few maul referbs in the works and a collection of Blacksmith made no namers, Kelly, Collins, and R. King (old Collins) heads in the queue. I like my Fiskars and Gransfors splitters, but variety keeps it fun when making firewood and working in the woods.
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