I turned on the stove yesterday. (I usually wait until November but the girlfriend insisted, plus it was her birthday.) This past spring and summer I did an energy assessment on my 1928 house and took advantage of some MassSave money. Long story short, I didn't have any insulation in my walls and I had some cellulose blown in for cheap. I removed the 11 triple-track old and ugly storms on the first floor of my house and replaced them with top of the line Larson gold series windows (and saved bucks installing them myself). I'm currently replacing my old wooden front door with an energy efficient (but attractive) fiberglass one. So last night, my Harman started without a hitch and raised my temperature from 59 to 72 in no time. Gone were the drafts and the heat was circulating better from my living room where the stove is, to the dining room (my fish stew and champagne; Happy birthday!) the TV/sunroom where we watched STL/Sox. Yes, it's only one night, but I think my energy-saving work is going to make a big difference this year.