I will soon be purchasing a gasser to replace my energy mate wood boiler. I will be using nofossil piping schematic where there is a pump for the wood boiler and storage and another pump for the loads. I would like to use a taco variable speed delta t pump. But it wont work like i want it to. Out of the box I can't find a variable speed pump that will give me a 180 constant output. My goal is to have a constant 180 degree temp coming out of the boiler. Could I put the appropriate resistor for say 160 degrees in place of the return sensor. Set the delta t for 20 degrees. That should give me a constant 180 output. If the output increased to 185 it would see 25 degrees delta t and increase pump speed until it dropped back to 180. If the output temp dropped it would see a lower delta t and reduce speed. If you don't think this will work please advise on a better plan.