thanks for all the help on my post with poor heat and feeder adjustment.i found the problem.i am going to ask your opinions.i am going to try and add a photo to make it way easier than the pipe comes through my wall and outside house.i have a T pipe that has a removable plug(for cleaning the pipe)on the bottom.then the T connects to a 5 foot long pipe.this pipe connects to a 90 degree elbow about 1 foot the end of the 90 is a wire screen(guessing birds and bats don't fly in pipe and into house)where the 5 foot long pipe and elbow connect there is a mesh wire screen(dealer said this is for bee's and insects flying into pipe and stove and making nests)this wire mesh builds up with freezing rain and ice and becomes a solid block.bye-bye fire.the exhaust gasses have no where to go now and come back into stove.i removed the wire mesh for now but in summer i can guarantee bee's and insects will explore this and build a home.i can cover the pipe elbow end with some canvas or something but this involves borrowing a 30ft ladder everytime i want to put the cover on/off.the pipe/elbow connection is 25ft above ground level.check out the pictures and see what you guys think i should do.