I've poked around a good few times over the last few years and have not been able to find a spreadsheet or similar comparing the various gassers, indoor and outdoor. I bet a fairly good one has been created by one of us, but I cannot find. Any help?
I've got a Central Boiler Classic 5648 dual fuel that I placed in service in November 2002. From what I'm reading here and elsewhere, I should expect that I am arriving at the end of its useful life, so plan to replace before it fails (jacket rust through is most common) in the middle of winter. This is my only heating system for both my house and office building.
Going to gasser for sure, could build small outbuilding around an indoor gasser, or buy one built for outdoors. I'm agnostic at this point, just want to gather data. My burner location is downhill from my buildings and the open system has been very challenging to manage from an air-lock perspective. I have loops get air-locked all of the time. Have built work-arounds, but their all PITAs. So I'll likely ask advice on pressurized/non and thermal storage, but just want to go after comparisons in this thread if we can keep it to that.
For now, I'd like to know if anyone has built out a comparison spreadsheet before I go about that mind numbing task. (at least for this mind) Thanks!
I've got a Central Boiler Classic 5648 dual fuel that I placed in service in November 2002. From what I'm reading here and elsewhere, I should expect that I am arriving at the end of its useful life, so plan to replace before it fails (jacket rust through is most common) in the middle of winter. This is my only heating system for both my house and office building.
Going to gasser for sure, could build small outbuilding around an indoor gasser, or buy one built for outdoors. I'm agnostic at this point, just want to gather data. My burner location is downhill from my buildings and the open system has been very challenging to manage from an air-lock perspective. I have loops get air-locked all of the time. Have built work-arounds, but their all PITAs. So I'll likely ask advice on pressurized/non and thermal storage, but just want to go after comparisons in this thread if we can keep it to that.
For now, I'd like to know if anyone has built out a comparison spreadsheet before I go about that mind numbing task. (at least for this mind) Thanks!