Experts told the UK Daily Star on May 19, 2017:
This sounds like good news to me, besides the famine and plague aspects, the longer burning seasons would be a welcome change!
"Planet Earth is on course for a “Little Age Ice” within the next three years thanks to a cocktail of climate change and low solar activity.
Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019.
Scientists are also expecting a “huge reduction” in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash.
Both cycles suggest Earth is entering a global cooling cycle that could have devastating consequences for global economy, human life and society as we know it."
I have been monitoring UV-B levels for a couple months and have noticed a strong increase, possibly due to the earths weakening magnetosphere as we enter into the grand solar minimum. The last time we were in this setup was the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1715 also referred to as The Mini Ice Age. Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019.
Scientists are also expecting a “huge reduction” in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash.
Both cycles suggest Earth is entering a global cooling cycle that could have devastating consequences for global economy, human life and society as we know it."
This sounds like good news to me, besides the famine and plague aspects, the longer burning seasons would be a welcome change!