An apparent newbie asks . . .
"recent new owner of a gw 100. Been a process hooking up
system,but thats done. Been burning about a week now just had first boil
over condition this morn my fault left door open a crack for a while n to
much air came in. My fault. "
My question is . . . Why would you EVER leave the door open?
"Just wanna get an idea of wood consumption. . . I hear
anywhere from 10 -15 face cord a season."
I work statisitcs. Specifically some MRA. I don't believe that I or anyone else can satisfactorily predict your wood consumption. You need to look at a full set of variables. To be safe, figure you'll use more than you planed on.
"recent new owner of a gw 100. Been a process hooking up
system,but thats done. Been burning about a week now just had first boil
over condition this morn my fault left door open a crack for a while n to
much air came in. My fault. "
My question is . . . Why would you EVER leave the door open?
"Just wanna get an idea of wood consumption. . . I hear
anywhere from 10 -15 face cord a season."
I work statisitcs. Specifically some MRA. I don't believe that I or anyone else can satisfactorily predict your wood consumption. You need to look at a full set of variables. To be safe, figure you'll use more than you planed on.