So this year is my [emoji638] nd year with my 49trcpm & I replaced the igniter, the room air blower (2x) first with a new used one & then with brand new from englander. Worked great for the [emoji637] st week but then caput. However I blame the dirty stove. I never took it clear apart and I mean like taking out the igniter, pulling out the box the burnpot sits in etc . So today I figured I would and I spent hours taking this apart and cleaning. However at the beginning while im tearing it apart my stirrer wasnt quite straight up and down & because of my lack of electrical outlets I had already unplugged the stove & plugged in my shop vac so I didnt feel like unplugging & replugging so I kind of jimmy it out[emoji107] . Did all the cleaning out & was short all the right tools [emoji374] [emoji373] [emoji375] so I had to improvise part of why it took me hours. Had to rig up the shop vac w/ a mini hose to get inside behind the uh fiberboard in that box. However im glad I did it because it was pretty dirty! I even retaped up the insulation in the back hoping all these things will help it run better. Cause I burnt through 2 ton of pellets already & at this rate by winters end ill use 5 ton. Which with oil so low Id be better off filling the tank a few times, but I [emoji179] the pellet stove heat. Anyway put it all back together, its looking pefecto! Except that damn stirrer wouldnt fit back in so, what did I do? Well of course forced it in & then checked & it goes half way around then gets stuck. So now I gotta order a new one! All that hurt knees skipped lunch & dinner & hurt my pretty lil princess hands which are no longer pretty! Theyre stained soot colo, cut up & sore. My knees are killing me & I cant even enjoy a beautiful lil fire [emoji24]