I'very had my insert for five or six years and understand it pretty well. I know how the ESP works, the various modes etc. BUT I'm not sure what triggers the disttibution fan. Is it temperature controlled by an internal switch? Is it tied into the ESP somehow? Is it controlled by the room temperature sensor? (I operate in room temperature mode.) Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
The distribution blower is controlled only by the (micro controller) computer board. But the computer determines
everything about how the distribution blower should operate as part of the overall information provided by other
input devices, which include the ESP (probe), knob settings, switches and sensors.
Based on my recent experience trouble shooting an Accentra insert, I'll suggest the distribution blower, although
directly controlled by the micro computer board, does primarily rely on the temperature value input from the ESP,
the control knob settings (values) and the software running in the micro controller. Things/values like the hopper
door and internal pressure sensor don't seem to be part of the "algorithm" (computer program) affecting the
distribution blower speed.
In the real world, the distribution blower should run at any speed within its normal range, without making excessive
bearing noise or drawing excessive current. Some blowers just by the nature of their design, construction and
operation do make a fair amount of physical air noise when they operate. I have one running across the room
at full speed and the blower and air noise is well worth the ongoing heat exchange.
So in regards to the distribution blower, you're primarily concerned that it does come on, doesn't make a bad
mechanical noise and its motor current draw is within the nominal value.
If the distribution blower in operation seems unpredictable, that part of the equation is probably acted on solely
by the micro controller (computer) and the values provided to it by the ESP and room/stove temperature
sensors. If you experience what you might feel are suspected problems with the distribution blower, not
related to some of the issues I mention above, one key to trouble shooting the problem is the speed at
which or when the problems start occurring, as an example from a completely off or cold start and the
room temp when you start the stove.
If you are having a problem, you might describe it in more detail here and I'll try to suggest some trouble shooting
tips for you.
skipp025 at yahoo dot com