I have been running my Harman XXV in room temp mode over night. I have set the feed to 3 and the temperature to 70 degrees. I am not sure how many times the stove would cycle on and off over the course of a night, but would guess around 5 times. The pellets that I am burning build up ash in the burn pot that seems to delay or impede the ability of the igniter to light the pellets. This delay has resulted in excessive pellets in the burn pot at ignition. Also, I have noticed that partially burned and unburned pellets are prematurely pushed into the ash pan. Is this common? I estimate that I am getting 4 tablespoons of ash over the course of a day in the burn pot. I have been scraping the burn pot daily. I am burning Greene Team hardwood pellets. My concern, aside from wasting good pellets, is that the stove may build up and then ignite a large quantity of unburned pellets in the ash pan. I would think the stove would be designed to handle this, but I am not sure. I am new to this, and am interested to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue.