Harmon Accentra 52i Insert vs Vermont Castings Milan Insert

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Jul 26, 2016
Both Installed Prices

Harman Accentra 52i $5100 with vent pipe installed

vermont Castings Milan $4200 with vent pipe and a free ton pellets

It's going into a centrally located existing fireplace on the second floor of a 1300 sq ft raised ranch that has electric heat.

is the Harman worth the extra dough?
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Are you meaning Enviro's Milan?? Both stoves and prices sound very reasonable. The accentra is a bigger stove btu wise 52K to 34K for the Milan if its the Enviro Milan. The Harman is cast iron as well. For these comparisons, I think the accentra is a better value, altho I do like Enviro stoves a lot. Hope this helps.
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Are you meaning Enviro's Milan?? Both stoves and prices sound very reasonable. The accentra is a bigger stove btu wise 52K to 34K for the Milan if its the Enviro Milan. The Harman is cast iron as well. For these comparisons, I think the accentra is a better value, altho I do like Enviro stoves a lot. Hope this helps.

Thanks so much. I'm a complete Noob. For the style of the room the Enviro Milan is more along the lines of the more contemporary decor than the Accentra.

The salesman told me the Enviro Milan should be plenty for the 1300 sq ft space. I just wasn't sure if the extra money for the Accentra would be money well spent, if there were features that over time I'd regret by not going with the Harmon. the other factor is the local guy sells the Enviro and not the Harman. i like doing business locally but not if i'd be getting an inferior product. by the sounds of it you think the Enviro Milan would do just fine.

i really appreciate your feedback. thanks so much.
Are you meaning Enviro's Milan?? Both stoves and prices sound very reasonable. The accentra is a bigger stove btu wise 52K to 34K for the Milan if its the Enviro Milan. The Harman is cast iron as well. For these comparisons, I think the accentra is a better value, altho I do like Enviro stoves a lot. Hope this helps.
Welcome to the forum! Stovelark beat me to it... The Harman has the higher btu and has two convection fans that might add to the efficiency of heat movement by getting that warm air out to your room. Enviro also has a solid reputation.

The only thing I would add is consideration of an outside air kit. Many installers will tell you you don't need it but, the stove functions better with it. Harder and more expensive to do with a central fireplace. How airtight is your home

PS You can go on to the company websites and download the manuals to get a better idea on both stoves.
Did you consider the new Harman P35i?
The BTU output is similar to the Milan and the cost is much less than the P52i
I haven't looked it mainly because our local guy doesn't sell Harman. Are there features on the P35i which you think k make it a better option than the Enviro Milan?
I have worked on both stoves and know them very well. The Enviro Milan is a good rugged top feeding stove and it will last. The P35i has the famous Pellet Pro Feed system that is one of the best bottom feeders and has a nice strong wide flame. The Milan needs a cleanout T and flex adapter to connect the stove to the liner. The Harman has a service rack connected to the shroud that connects directly to the liner and the stove pulls out of the rack for very easy servicing, I recommend a 3" aluminum flex liner for the fresh air intake on both stoves, The Harman has a seperate air intake kit you must buy, The flue liner must be steel or better yet Titanium. A steel Co-liner flue top works well or you can get the Olympia 4" titanium liner kit and the 3" aluminum liner kit and cut the flue top piece to fit both tops,

You can also get a wired T-Stat with a swing setting for pellet stoves, Wireless SkyTec T-Stat or Lowe's Iris WiFi T-Stat for your smart phone like I have.
Below is a pic of my iPhone T-Stats for my Quadrafire & Harman pellet stoves in the shed & workshop.
A little too warm to turn them on right now! LOL


  • [Hearth.com] Harmon Accentra 52i Insert vs Vermont Castings Milan Insert
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  • [Hearth.com] Harmon Accentra 52i Insert vs Vermont Castings Milan Insert
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  • [Hearth.com] Harmon Accentra 52i Insert vs Vermont Castings Milan Insert
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I have worked on both stoves and know them very well. The Enviro Milan is a good rugged top feeding stove and it will last. The P35i has the famous Pellet Pro Feed system that is one of the best bottom feeders and has a nice strong wide flame. The Milan needs a cleanout T and flex adapter to connect the stove to the liner. The Harman has a service rack connected to the shroud that connects directly to the liner and the stove pulls out of the rack for very easy servicing, I recommend a 3" aluminum flex liner for the fresh air intake on both stoves, The Harman has a seperate air intake kit you must buy, The flue liner must be steel or better yet Titanium. A steel Co-liner flue top works well or you can get the Olympia 4" titanium liner kit and the 3" aluminum liner kit and cut the flue top piece to fit both tops,

You can also get a wired T-Stat with a swing setting for pellet stoves, Wireless SkyTec T-Stat or Lowe's Iris WiFi T-Stat for your smart phone like I have.
Below is a pic of my iPhone T-Stats for my Quadrafire & Harman pellet stoves in the shed & workshop.
A little too warm to turn them on right now! LOL
Thanks for this! I'm leaning toward he Enviro because my local guy sells them and he's been very helpful.
Sometimes that is a big part of a stove purchase ... dealer support! Keep us posted on your final decision and how the install goes.
Joey- You won't be sorry- I have had the sister stove Empress (same stove in cast, same burn engine) for many trouble free seasons. I also know that you wouldn't be sorry with the Harman either, a superb pellet stove. Everyone is right, dealer support is important and necessary. Good luck, let us see her installed....
FWIW, was looking at the P35 online, nice looking stove, somewhat similar to the Milan, price point is about the same too. I'd think you will be happy with either stove. Don is right, make sure if you get the Milan, put a tee in the back and a 4 inch liner to it. If depth is limited, cut the tee snout, flatten the tee a bit, try to avoid a direct liner connection to the quick disconnect. I see too many of these connections, swooping the liner into a 90 degree turn connected to the quick disconnect. Get the tee if possible.....
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FWIW, was looking at the P35 online, nice looking stove, somewhat similar to the Milan, price point is about the same too. I'd think you will be happy with either stove. Don is right, make sure if you get the Milan, put a tee in the back and a 4 inch liner to it. If depth is limited, cut the tee snout, flatten the tee a bit, try to avoid a direct liner connection to the quick disconnect. I see too many of these connections, swooping the liner into a 90 degree turn connected to the quick disconnect. Get the tee if possible.....
Also you can get a Cleanout T with built in Stove Adapters, these Ts do not stick out as far in the back so they work out well in a fireplace. :-)
Looks good, nice Job
Looking good !
Yes, but the house is on the last leg of renovations. Going to look for some pellet deals here and there to get me through the icky New England spring.
The updates on the price reports have been scarce.
It may be different where you are, Here in SE Ma everyone starts closing out pellet sales, stop bringing in stock for the spring to bring in spring/summer items ( the tractors and lawn furniture have been out around here for a while now). Most places keep limited pellet stock by March 1 or so and stop bring them in by April 1. I'm about done burning for this year anyway, I usually shut the stove down around the second week of April.
Awesome look- looks right at home. Make sure the air shutter is right- all the way to left, then about 3/8 inch to the right. Looking at the pix again, was that a 3 inch liner put in?? 4 would have been better, can hold more flyash and it'll breathe easier too..... Stay warm....