I would like to know if anyone has the actual math needed to figure head pressure. I have been through many of the threads but can't seem to find all the info needed. I am trying to determine if a Taco 011 pump is to big of a unit for my setup. The line running from the shed to the house starts with 1 1/4 black pipe in the shed about 15'. Then it is run through 1 1/4 pex for about 55 feet to 1 1/4 black pipe in the house 20'. After that is splits to two 3/4 copper lines about 10' with a filter on each line. From there it is piped into the boiler and pulls from the return lines for the hydronic heat. So it actually moves water through the boiler and up to the attic above the 2nd floor which must be about another 40'. The measurements are only in one direction so it would be doubled to add the return lines. Any help would be greatly appericated.