whoa whoa guys - something really wrong going on here. Overkill - it's your thread, so i'll focus on your (apparent) issues.
running with the door opened FOR AN HOUR??? holy crap man - talk about a stovekiller! :ahhh: Not only do you run the risk of SERIOUSLY overfiring the stove, and cracking many of its dainty bits, but you are introducing so much cold air - it's no WONDER there's all that creosote buildup!
EPA stoves gotta be run the way they're designed. You can't run it like a 20 yr old smoke dragon. Metering the air is of paramount concern. I'll run the door open for a minute or two - maybe 5 tops - but it gets shut pretty quickly. and that's only when cold. Most reloads, I never leave the door cracked. Coals are good enough for the doghouse torch to ignite whatever is set on top of them.
12 feet of chimney is too small - you are below the min of 13'. so if you can add a section or extension, you might get better natural draft - sounds like that is one of your problems.
I can't see
your seasoning - maybe you've discussed it elsewhere on the site? it's just a fairly common thing to hear "I've got all this creosote, but i *know* the wood is seasoned!" - i thought the same thing too. it's dang near a ton more work and time to properly season wood, tho a softwood like fir oughta be a little easier. (I reckon Highbeam will be along at some point to discuss the finer points of softwood burning w/ an OAK and a short stack - more his cup of tea).
If you're having issues like "I can't keep a fire going once i shut the door", that points even more toward issues w/ the wood seasoning.
Where and how are you measuring those
flue temps that "rarely get over 400"? Probe thermometer? surface-mounted rutland on the stack a couple feet up from the collar? Are you measuring stovetop temps at all?? How are you setting and adjusting the primary air control? How big are the routine fire splits? 2x2 sounds plenty small enough to overcome seasoning deficiencies, should there be any...
Please accept my heartfelt wishes to help you get this right. You have a great stove, which i truly believe in. and you're in the right place to get it running top notch

You're gonna be blown away when you finally get 8 hour burns coupled with 500*F+ stovetop temps