Has anyone used one of these before?
(broken link removed to http://www.northlineexpress.com/ecofan-original-800-heat-powered-wood-stove-fan-nickel-fan-blades-800ca-kbx.html?utm_source=googleproducts&utm_medium=feed&utm_content=cse&utm_term=5CF-800-N&CAWELAID=974935334&gclid=CNj35_T2q7QCFcyf4AodSj8AxQ)
I am contemplating purchasing one for times when the power goes out. The fan is powered by the heat from the stove. I think it seems like a great idea, but I would like to get some other opinions and feedback from those who have used one. Thanks for any input!
(broken link removed to http://www.northlineexpress.com/ecofan-original-800-heat-powered-wood-stove-fan-nickel-fan-blades-800ca-kbx.html?utm_source=googleproducts&utm_medium=feed&utm_content=cse&utm_term=5CF-800-N&CAWELAID=974935334&gclid=CNj35_T2q7QCFcyf4AodSj8AxQ)
I am contemplating purchasing one for times when the power goes out. The fan is powered by the heat from the stove. I think it seems like a great idea, but I would like to get some other opinions and feedback from those who have used one. Thanks for any input!