first year with harman xxv stove.have been trying all kinds of pellet tests and stove setting tests.trying to get max heat for 2800 sqf home.1400 upstairs,1400 downstairs.keeping stove on stove temp mode and auto seems consistant.feed i have to adjust from 3-4 depending on pellets but the blower fan setting is baffling me to no end.i would think putting blower fan on highest setting(blowing out max air)would produce the most heat,but the opposite is true.if i put blower speed on lowest setting the air temperature heat coming out of the stove is 20-25 degrees hotter.i tested this with 4 pellet types.currently using turmans and with blower on high and temp setting at #7 air blowing out of stove is 338 degrees.if i turn the blower speed to lowest setting and wait about 10 minutes,air temp is 362.i am testing air temp with 2 different smoker type probe electronic is that possible?when blower fan is on high the stove feeds the pellets way faster,i would guess faster feeding of pellets would mean more heat but first floor stays 2 degrees warmer if i leave blower fan on low.i also don't understand why the pellets feed way faster by moving the blower speed up on stove temp setting?i was told the blower only controls how fast the fan runs,but yet on high setting i go through pellets way faster(i can literaly watch the pellets move foward)i thought on stove temp mode i control the feed rate with the feed rate dial?if i don't touch the feed rate how does the blower on stove temp mode control the feed?why bother having a feed rate knob if the stove is going to control it on room temp and stove temp mode?sorry for the long post but these settings and what i am reading in the manual and online are not working as such