I have had the Napoleon NPS40 pellet stove for about 7 years and I love it! It heats my entire house and keeps the fuel oil costs down! Recently though, it has had one problem after another. One day the power went out while the stove was on and it did not want to restart properly afterwards. The auger did not work so I removed the auger motor and twisted the auger by hand to make sure no pellet jams. It did no good until I finally hitthe little red reset button. The stove worked again for about two days. Now, it will turn on, run for about 10 minutes and then cut off. I was told it could be door gasket, so I replaced it. I also replaced the combustion motor gasket but it is still doing the same thing! Running for about 10 minutes and cutting off. I can hit the power switch when it cuts off and it willl immediately start again, run for about 10 minutes adn shut off. Any help would be much appreciated. I am not very mechanical but can follow directions!