been checking this site out and found some good info. thought i wood register and see if i could get some direct advice.
so i got an old fisher papa bear i bought refurbished from a nice old man that restores these old smoke dragons as y'all like to call em a few years back. haven't had the funds and such to install it till now. i am removing an existing gas fireplace in a cathedral ceiling and want to use as much single wall as i can. i hear that i anything above 10 feet i have to use double wall so i was thinking if i can use 10 feet of single and the rest which is only 2 feet of double? possible?
also clearance of stove pipe to drywall is 21 inches is this sufficient? and thirdly clearance around the stove is 23 inches is this good? the old manual says 36" i believe but can i put tile or rock over the drywall around the stove? thanks , I'm freezing!
so i got an old fisher papa bear i bought refurbished from a nice old man that restores these old smoke dragons as y'all like to call em a few years back. haven't had the funds and such to install it till now. i am removing an existing gas fireplace in a cathedral ceiling and want to use as much single wall as i can. i hear that i anything above 10 feet i have to use double wall so i was thinking if i can use 10 feet of single and the rest which is only 2 feet of double? possible?
also clearance of stove pipe to drywall is 21 inches is this sufficient? and thirdly clearance around the stove is 23 inches is this good? the old manual says 36" i believe but can i put tile or rock over the drywall around the stove? thanks , I'm freezing!