Not to beat a topic to death but, I run ISO 46 hydro oil in my splitter. My manual specifically said not to run tractor ATF for hydro. So I went to tractor supply and asked an employee what they use in there splitters, right off the bat the guy said the ISO 46, when I asked why; he said that it handled the heat better. I took his word and bought the 10gal I needed. Let me tell you guys, there is a difference. I use to borrow my friends splitter (iron and oak 20ton fast cycle) and when the fluid got real hot, the expanded fluid would squirt out the relief cap on top of the tank, At the time I though that's just what it does, no big deal. I bought the same splitter this spring (brand new) put the ISO46 as my oil and so far hadn't had a drop of oil come through the relief hole in the cap. I ran the splitter yesterday at my mom and dads for about 5 hours, (1 & 1/2 tanks of gas) The cylinder got pretty hot (hand on it for 3-4 seconds) Oil did not leak, weather was sunny & warm (mid 70's). Anyway I don't really know anything about oil viscosities, or the difference between ATF, tractor ATF, or what I'm using, but all I can say is I like what I'm using doesn't expand as much.