I have several questions about my new fireplace I just got installed.
1. How long should i run it, does it need a cool down or such or can i keep wood in it for a constant burn?
2. How Hot is to much, I keep running the stove around 200 Fer, but is that to much or is that good enough.
3. As it has a Pizza Drawer (Its a model that offered this feature which we thought was good for the old fashioned pizza) the pizza says to run the stove/BBQ at 400f - 425f, I am kinda scared to operate that stove at 400, even though it says max 600. But if its safe, How much wood, i am burning Hardwood in it currently, and i can put 2 Half 8" logs in it, and only can get it to 240. Is it safer to run it at 200 for longer, or should i try getting the stove higher, if so Any recommendations?
1. How long should i run it, does it need a cool down or such or can i keep wood in it for a constant burn?
2. How Hot is to much, I keep running the stove around 200 Fer, but is that to much or is that good enough.
3. As it has a Pizza Drawer (Its a model that offered this feature which we thought was good for the old fashioned pizza) the pizza says to run the stove/BBQ at 400f - 425f, I am kinda scared to operate that stove at 400, even though it says max 600. But if its safe, How much wood, i am burning Hardwood in it currently, and i can put 2 Half 8" logs in it, and only can get it to 240. Is it safer to run it at 200 for longer, or should i try getting the stove higher, if so Any recommendations?