It's not likely too many of you keep actual log books, but perhaps you could make a rough estimate of how much time you think you actually spend cutting, splitting, transporting, and stacking your firewood to heat your house for a year.
Now I know that some of you are playing catch up, trying to get a few years ahead, and of course will be spending more time then you would to just trying to replace the wood you burned last year, so you'll have to estimate again how much time it takes you just to replace the wood you burn in a year.
It will be interesting to see how much time people actually expend per year just to heat their homes for one year.
Now I know that some of you are playing catch up, trying to get a few years ahead, and of course will be spending more time then you would to just trying to replace the wood you burned last year, so you'll have to estimate again how much time it takes you just to replace the wood you burn in a year.
It will be interesting to see how much time people actually expend per year just to heat their homes for one year.