I thought this would' be easy, but so far it's not... An installer (who has since left the dealer, and they've cut back on service now) put in a new Forever Flex 4" liner for me last year when I was out of town, and hooked up an old Quest insert for me in the basement (stove I already had). When I went to clean it, I found that he had made the connection beween the 3" takeoff of the liner to the stove with a short piece of single wall flex duct screwed to the stove exhaust along with a glob of RTV (got most of it off already). While this works and the single wall is acceptable for an insert, it's a big pain to remove and reinstall, especially if I want to do a midwinter cleaning. I figured I could find an adapter that would let me attach to the single wall flex permanently (I.e., screws and RTV) and with some type of o-ring / compression fitting to attach to the stove. But I can't find such a fitting! There's a lot out there for connecting to Duravent, etc., but I haven't found what I need in this case. Any ideas / products? Am I just missing an easy solution? I hope to make it easier and faster to remove that flex from the stove, yet still have a good seal. Thanks for any help!