yup your going to run a little short in the mornings due to it's size.
here, about an hour or so before bedtime, we stock it up nice and hot with
small "DRY" splits NS. keep the air open, fan on low, watch it for a half hour.
rake hot remains to the front and sneak one large hole in the very back, WE,
more small to medium splits NS in front, jam it full. blower on low,
watch it for another half hour, secondary burn throwing amazing heat,
dampner down to halfway, raise the fan to less then medium and go to bed.
6-7 hours later, cold morning, awake to red hot ember coal bed, rake around,
turning embers over and creating a flate bed all throughout, then throw several
small DRY splits in facing NS, close the door, have air wide open, takes to flames
by the time I can count to 10, stock it up, add more smaller splits and get that
secondary burn coming from the airtubes, damnper down from wide open to 3/4 closed,
an hour or so later, larger splits and begin to find that 1/2 air open, with fan pretty
much running at about 80% to get that heat out into the living room.
I work in C. degrees (European) and we like it hot!
I'm the one with all the wooden structure around my Osburn. (recall other thread?)
we reach 27.5C in the living room and 23.5 down the hallway.
don't be afraid to get it running nice and hot, you'll know a runaway, when you see one and
when the handle is too hot to the touch, other then that, the airtubes should be glowing red
with flames coming out of it, don't let anything scare you, just run it, it's meant to get nice and hot.
not running it hot enough is more of a problem then running it too hot.
seriously, try getting comfortable with it, pack it full of small DRY splits NE,
get it really good and flaming, enjoy that secondary burn and carefull to
not face burn while reloading.
I've found, damning down the air past 1/2 closed, starts to smutter and steal the heat.
running the fan at 100% overnight is not a good idea, you'll awaken to no heat with
only an exessive ember bed remaining.
I like to aim for seeing the scharred remains of splits sitting there red hot coal like
in the mornings, give it a rake with the poker and throw more fuel on, with plenty of air.
seriously, pack it full with small dry splits and allow for air in between.
secondary is going to get nice and active and red hot, great fun !
plenty of heat.
running the fan too hard is going to give you that cold at the feet feeling.
allow the door ajar for 5-10 min when reloading really gets it up to temp quickly.
always hot fire and I mean hot fires, first thing in the mornings. keep the pipe clean.
if you're getting dirty glass, you're not burning hot enough,
if you have dirty glass, burn even hotter and it'll clean itself up as intended.
every three or four days, allow cooldown for cleanup.
keep fan unit clean from dust and dirt.
Stoke it up nice and hot, it's meant to run hot.
no fuel = no heat, no heat = no fun!
it helps if your home all day.